RettEd: Let’s Hear It For The Boys! Males with MECP2

RettEd: Let’s Hear It For The Boys! Males with MECP2

April 13, 2021 @ 1:00 pm America/New York Timezone

We’ve learned a lot since the ‘80s—and it’s time to set the record straight! Dr. Bernard Suter of Texas Children’s Hospital will share what we know about males with Rett, males with MECP2 duplication, and current and future study options.

We’ll also explore why males have not been included in clinical trials so far and if males will be approved for future Rett treatments. Dr. Suter will discuss a new biomarker study specifically for males with MECP2 mutations. Finally, we’ll share how IRSF advocates for males with industry partners.

With this in mind, what’s on your mind? Register now and submit your questions and thoughts. There should be time to take write-in questions during the session as well. There is no fee to attend this webinar thanks to your ongoing donor support and that of our Sponsors, but pre-registration is required.

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