Superhero Nomination

Nominate a Superhero for Rett!

The nomination window is now closed. Make sure to tune in to Raise a Glass for Rett on October 28th to learn who is chosen as this year’s superheroes!

There are many people who show up for our loved ones in remarkable ways. We’re so thankful for anyone and everyone who goes ALL IN for our loved ones with Rett.

Who is someone that is a real-life hero to your loved one with Rett syndrome? Perhaps a sibling, friend, or neighbor, an outstanding teacher, physician, nurse, or therapist? We want to hear about it!

Now is your chance to show some love for those who have shown love to you and your loved one. Your real-life superhero may be featured during our upcoming Raise a Glass for Rett Gala or in other future IRSF communications. We can’t wait to learn more about the superheroes in your life that are ALL IN for Rett.

Please note: We are not accepting nominations for parents and individuals with Rett syndrome. We recognize that all parents and individuals battling Rett syndrome are superheroes. We are looking for others who are going above and beyond to support our families.