Kansas Transition to Adult Services

Kansas Transition to Adult Services

The transition process should begin by age 14 and information about the student’s needs during the transition process should be included in the IEP during that process. By 16, the IEP must include a coordinated set of services designed specifically to transition students from school to post-school outcomes. The IEP must include a statement of needed transition services and any external agency involvement. The Kansas definition of an IEP says that the transition IEP should be a part of the general IEP, and not a separate plan. It should be coordinated in accordance with the related services discussed in the general IEP of the student. However, it should be specific to post-secondary goals and should be geared towards preparation for the future and goals for future that are relevant to the individual’s strengths and interests.

View KBS Kansas Resources and Tools for Transitioning to Adulthood