Rett Research Publications
IRSF funds trailblazing research seeking treatments and a cure for Rett syndrome. Through our funding and the Rett Syndrome NHS, hundreds of published works and counting inform the research happening today on Rett and Rett-related disorders.
IRSF-Funded Publications
Publications that directly benefitted from research funding provided by IRSF. We proudly support pioneering research seeking to expand our fundamental knowledge and develop treatments and cures.
Precise in vivo RNA base editing with a wobble-enhanced circular CLUSTER guide RNA
Potentiation of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 1 modulates neurophysiological features in a mouse model of Rett syndrome
Normalized Clinical Severity Scores Reveal a Correlation between X Chromosome Inactivation and Disease Severity in Rett Syndrome
MECP2 directly interacts with RNA polymerase II to modulate transcription in human neurons
Potentiation of the M 1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor normalizes neuronal activation patterns and improves apnea severity in Mecp2+/- mice
Sensory experiences questionnaire unravels differences in sensory profiles between MECP2-related disorders
MECP2-related disorders while gene-based therapies are on the horizon
Development and validation of parent-reported gastrointestinal health scale in MECP2 duplication syndrome
Reversal of neurological deficits by painless nerve growth factor in a mouse model of Rett syndrome
Ayres Sensory Integration Therapy for a Child With Rett Syndrome: A Case Report
Trofinetide: a pioneering treatment for Rett syndrome
Differential dynamics specify MeCP2 function at methylated DNA and nucleosomes
Rett Syndrome Behaviour Questionnaire in Children and Adults With Rett Syndrome: Psychometric Characterization and Revised Factor Structure
Exploring gastrointestinal health in MECP2 duplication syndrome
Rett syndrome behaviour questionnaire in children and adults with Rett syndrome: psychometric characterization and revised factor structure
Genotype and sleep independently predict mental health in Rett syndrome: an observational study
Wild-type MECP2 expression coincides with age-dependent sensory phenotypes in a female mouse model for Rett syndrome
Top caregiver concerns in Rett syndrome and related disorders: data from the US natural history study
Individualized Remotely Supervised Motor Activity Programs Promote Rehabilitation Goal Achievement, Motor Functioning, and Physical Activity of People with Rett Syndrome-A Single-Cohort Study
Long-term cortical plasticity following sensory deprivation is reduced in male Rett model mice
Can telehealth increase physical activity in individuals with Rett syndrome? A multicentre randomized controlled trial
State-of-the-art therapies for Rett syndrome
Exploring the characteristics and most bothersome symptoms in MECP2 duplication syndrome to pave the path toward developing parent-oriented outcome measures
Human brain models of intellectual disability: experimental advances and novelties
Clinical and Preclinical Evidence for M(1) Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor Potentiation as a Therapeutic Approach for Rett Syndrome
Assessing the Burden on Caregivers of MECP2 Duplication Syndrome
Anxiety-like behavior and anxiolytic treatment in the Rett syndrome natural history study
Vitamin D modulates cortical transcriptome and behavioral phenotypes in an Mecp2 heterozygous Rett syndrome mouse model
Enablers and barriers in dental attendance in Rett syndrome: an international observational study
Selective Xi reactivation and alternative methods to restore MECP2 function in Rett syndrome
Vitamin D modulates cortical transcriptome and behavioral phenotypes in an Mecp2 heterozygous Rett syndrome mouse model
Intensive postural and motor activity program reduces scoliosis progression in people with Rett syndrome
CLUSTER guide RNAs enable precise and efficient RNA editing with endogenous ADAR enzymes in vivo
Molecular and clinical insights into complex genomic rearrangements related to MECP2 duplication syndrome
Engineered microRNA-based regulatory element permits safe high-dose miniMECP2 gene therapy in Rett mice
Rett syndrome and Fragile X syndrome: different etiology with common molecular dysfunctions
Parent and therapist perspectives on “uptime” activities and participation in Rett syndrome
Molecular and clinical insights into complex genomic rearrangements related to MECP2 duplication syndrome
Proteomic and transcriptional changes associated with MeCP2 dysfunction reveal nodes for therapeutic intervention in Rett syndrome
Effects of a remotely supervised motor rehabilitation program for individuals with Rett syndrome at home
Oral parafunction and bruxism in Rett syndrome and associated factors: An observational study
Systematic analysis of goal-related movement sequences during maternal behaviour in a female mouse model for Rett syndrome
Measures of attention in Rett syndrome: Internal consistency reliability
Profiling beneficial and potential adverse effects of MeCP2 overexpression in a hypomorphic Rett syndrome mouse model
Systematic analysis of goal-related movement sequences during maternal behaviour in a female mouse model for Rett syndrome
Proteomic and transcriptional changes associated with MeCP2 dysfunction reveal nodes for therapeutic intervention in Rett syndrome
Assessment of the gut bacterial microbiome and metabolome of girls and women with Rett Syndrome
Engineered microRNA-based regulatory element permits safe high-dose miniMECP2 gene therapy in Rett mice
Multisite Study of Evoked Potentials in Rett Syndrome
Severe offtarget effects following intravenous delivery of AAV9-MECP2 in a female mouse model of Rett syndrome
Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 mediates overlapping mechanisms across brain disorders
Implementing telehealth support to increase physical activity in girls and women with Rett syndrome—ActivRett: protocol for a waitlist randomised controlled trial
Vagus nerve stimulation paired with tones restores auditory processing in a rat model of Rett syndrome
Deficits in skilled motor and auditory learning in a rat model of Rett syndrome
Multisystem comorbidities in classic Rett syndrome: a scoping review
Pharmacological read-through of R294X Mecp2 in a novel mouse model of Rett syndrome
Determinants of quality of life in Rett syndrome: new findings on associations with genotype
Functional network mapping reveals state-dependent response to IGF1 treatment in Rett syndrome
Development of consensus-based guidelines for managing communication of individuals with Rett syndrome
Differential coassembly of α1-GABAARs associated with epileptic encephalopathy
Transcriptome data of temporal and cingulate cortex in the Rett syndrome brain
Vitamin D supplementation rescues aberrant NF-κB pathway activation and partially ameliorates Rett syndrome phenotypes in Mecp2 mutant mice
Lateralized expression of cortical perineuronal nets during maternal experience is dependent on MECP2
Differential brain region-specific expression of MeCP2 and BDNF in Rett Syndrome patients: a distinct grey-white matter variation
AIM2 inflammasome surveillance of DNA damage shapes neurodevelopment
Maternal Experience-Dependent Cortical Plasticity in mice Is Circuit- and Stimulus-Specific and Requires MECP2
Widespread organ tolerance to Xist loss and X reactivation except under chronic stress in the gut
Special education supports and services for Rett syndrome: parent perceptions and satisfaction
Huntingtin phosphorylation governs BDNF homeostasis and improves the phenotype of Mecp2 knockout mice
Evidence of altered salivary cytokine concentrations in Rett syndrome and associations with clinical severity
ANAVEX®2-73 (blarcamesine), a Sigma-1 receptor agonist, ameliorates neurologic impairments in a mouse model of Rett syndrome
Preliminary Evidence That Resting State Heart Rate Variability Predicts Reactivity to Tactile Stimuli in Rett Syndrome.
Sensory integration and functional reaching in children with Rett syndrome/Rett-related disorders.
Genome-wide transcriptomic and proteomic studies of Rett syndrome mouse models identify common signaling pathways and cellular functions as potential therapeutic targets
The role of MeCP2 in learning and memory
Exosomes regulate neurogenesis and circuit assembly
Deep learning of spontaneous arousal fluctuations detects early cholinergic defects across neurodevelopmental mouse models and patients
DNA methylation contributes to the differential expression levels of Mecp2 in male mice neurons and astrocytes
Towards a better diagnosis and treatment of Rett syndrome: a model synaptic disorder
Loss of MeCP2 in immature neurons leads to impaired network integration
Disturbed redox homeostasis and oxidative stress: potential players in the developmental regression in Rett syndrome
Spoken word processing in Rett syndrome: evidence from event-related potentials
MECP2 mutation interrupts nucleolin-mTOR-P70S6K signaling in Rett syndrome patients
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7: a new therapeutic target in neurodevelopmental disorders
Impaired visual search in children with Rett syndrome
Loss of Mecp2 causes atypical synaptic and molecular plasticity of parvalbumin-expressing interneurons reflecting Rett syndrome-like sensorimotor defects
Total RNA sequencing of Rett syndrome autopsy samples identifies the M4 muscarinic receptor as a novel therapeutic target
Sleep disturbances in Rett syndrome: impact and management including use of sleep hygiene practices
The feasibility of using actigraphy to characterize sleep in Rett syndrome
Placebo-controlled crossover assessment of mecasermin for the treatment of Rett syndrome
Environmental enrichment intervention for Rett syndrome: an individually randomised stepped wedge trial
Adapting the mullen scales of early learning for a standardized measure of development in children with Rett syndrome
Distinguishing response to names in Rett and MECP2 Duplication syndrome: An ERP study of auditory social information processing
Genetic reduction or negative modulation of mGlu7 does not impact anxiety and fear learning phenotypes in a mouse model of MECP2 duplication syndrome
Biotin tagging of MeCP2 in mice reveals contextual insights into the Rett syndrome transcriptome
mGlu7 potentiation rescues cognitive, social, and respiratory phenotypes in a mouse model of Rett syndrome
EEA1 restores homeostatic synaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons from Rett syndrome mice
A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study of trofinetide in the treatment of Rett syndrome
Vagus nerve stimulation as a potential adjuvant to behavioral therapy for autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders
A small-molecule TrkB ligand restores hippocampal synaptic plasticity and object location memory in Rett syndrome mice
Defining hand stereotypies in Rett syndrome: A movement disorders perspective
Quantification of walking-based physical activity and sedentary time in individuals with Rett syndrome
Zoledronic acid improves bone histomorphometry in a murine model of Rett syndrome
RettBASE: Rett syndrome database update
Scoliosis in Rett syndrome: progression, comorbidities, and predictors
Sustained attention in the face of distractors: a study of children with Rett syndrome
Autonomic breathing abnormalities in Rett syndrome: caregiver perspectives in an international database study
Elevating expression of MeCP2 T158M rescues DNA binding and Rett syndrome-like phenotypes
Influenza A induces dysfunctional immunity and death in MeCP2-overexpressing mice
MECP2 regulates cortical plasticity underlying a learned behaviour in adult female mice
NIH-Funded Natural History Study
Data from the Rett Syndrome Natural History Study (NHS) contributed directly to these publications. This exclusive database continues to be an invaluable resource for researchers.
Top caregiver concerns in Rett syndrome and related disorders: data from the US natural history study
Anxiety-like behavior and anxiolytic treatment in the Rett syndrome natural history study
Anthropometric measures correspond with functional motor outcomes infemales with Rett syndrome
Multisite study of evoked potentials in Rett syndrome
Phenotypic features in MECP2 duplication syndrome: Effects of age
A psychometric evaluation of the motor-behavioral assessment scale for use as an outcome Measure in Rett syndrome clinical trials
Multisystem comorbidities in classic Rett syndrome: a scoping review
Consensus guidelines on managing Rett syndrome across the lifespan
Cortisol profiles and clinical severity in MECP2 duplication syndrome
Comparison of core features in four Developmental Encephalopathies in the Rett Natural History Study
Metabolic signatures differentiate Rett syndrome from unaffected siblings
Biliary tract disease in girls and young women with Rett syndrome
Hand stereotypies: Lessons from the Rett Syndrome Natural History Study
Severity assessment in CDKL5 deficiency disorder
Characterizing the phenotypic effect of Xq28 duplication size in MECP2 duplication syndrome
The array of clinical phenotypes of males with mutations in Methyl-CpG binding protein 2
Behavioral profiles in Rett syndrome: Data from the Natural History Study
The course of awake breathing disturbances across the lifespan in Rett syndrome
When Rett syndrome is due to genes other than MECP2
Scoliosis in Rett Syndrome: Progression, Comorbidities, and Predictors
Assessment of caregiver inventory for Rett syndrome
Longitudinal course of epilepsy in Rett syndrome and related disorders
From function to phenotype: impaired DNA binding and clustering correlates with clinical severity in males with missense mutations in MECP2
Loss of MeCP2 causes urological dysfunction and contributes to death by kidney failure in mouse models of Rett syndrome
Progress in Rett syndrome: from discovery to clinical trials
Enrichment of mutations in chromatin regulators in people with Rett syndrome lacking mutations in MECP2
Caretaker quality of life in Rett syndrome: disorder features and psychological predictors
Detecting autonomic response to pain in Rett syndrome
The changing face of survival in Rett syndrome and MECP2-related disorders
Improving treatment trial outcomes for Rett syndrome: The development of Rett-specific anchors for the Clinical Global Impression Scale
Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in a mouse model of Rett syndrome with Na+-channel-blocking antiepileptic drugs
Age of diagnosis in Rett syndrome: patterns of recognition among diagnosticians and risk factors for late diagnosis
Pubertal development in Rett syndrome deviates from typical females
Developmental delay in Rett syndrome: data from the natural history study
Development of a genomic DNA reference material panel for Rett syndrome (MECP2-Related Disorders) genetic testing
Rett syndrome: from recognition to diagnosis to intervention
Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) mutation type is associated with disease severity in Rett syndrome
The American history of Rett syndrome
Detection of rarely identified multiple mutations in MECP2 gene do not contribute to enhanced severity in Rett syndrome
Gastrointestinal and nutritional problems occur frequently throughout life in girls and women with Rett syndrome
Growth failure and outcome in Rett syndrome: specific growth references
Pathogenesis of lethal cardiac arrhythmias in Mecp2 mutant mice: implication for therapy in Rett syndrome
Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in girls and women with Rett syndrome
Clinical severity and quality of life in children and adolescents with Rett syndrome
Rett syndrome: exploring the autism link
Complexities of Rett syndrome and MeCP2
Rett syndrome: revised diagnostic criteria and nomenclature
Rett syndrome diagnostic criteria: Lessons from the Natural History Study
Profiling scoliosis in Rett syndrome
Epilepsy and the natural history of Rett syndrome
Longevity in Rett syndrome: analysis of the North American Database
Gastrostomy placement improves height and weight gain in girls with Rett syndrome
Rett syndrome: North American database
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