What we do

We Fund Rett Research

IRSF’s highly comprehensive scientific program in Rett syndrome—bolstered by unprecedented industry partnerships—includes the advancement of genetic approaches and developing drugs that improve quality of life, as well as the development of a clinical research network that brings treatments to families.

With support from our generous donors, we have invested more than $58M in Rett and Rett-related research and are proud to provide funding regularly through a variety of grant mechanisms.

IRSF funding

2024 IRSF Rett Syndrome Innovation Awards

The Rett Syndrome Innovation Awards seek to advance research aimed at investigating the underlying pathology of Rett syndrome and identifying novel therapeutic approaches for potential treatments and cures for the disorder. Our Innovation Award (1) provides seed money for innovative research leading to the identification of therapeutic targets or treatment approaches, (2) assists investigators to establish careers in the field of Rett syndrome research, and (3) leads to follow-on funding from other agencies.


RFP Guideline

Letters of Intent
  • Submission Due: May 13
  • Decision Communicated: June 6
Full Proposals
  • Submission Due: May 13
  • Decision Communicated: June 6

Ongoing Opportunities with IRSF

These exclusive IRSF-funded programs support the research and development efforts for effective treatments and potential cures for Rett syndrome.

Compound Testing (Scout Program)

The IRSF Steven G. Kaminsky Scout Program accelerates the testing of new or repurposed compounds through a drug discovery screen in a Rett syndrome mouse model. Multiple compounds screened through the program have moved through to clinical trials, both in the United States and abroad. We partner with basic scientists and the biotech industry to test compounds eligible for this program.

COE Clinical Research Awards

All IRSF Centers of Excellence (COEs) are eligible to apply for these research awards available exclusively to the centers due to their commitment to the highest level of clinical care and a dedication to Rett research.

Rett Research

Other Funding Opportunities

IRSF advocates for external funding to support research that broadens our understanding of Rett syndrome and Rett-related issues, such as neurodevelopmental or brain science research.

Subscribe to our Research Quarterly Newsletter to receive regular updates on new funding opportunities for Rett syndrome research.

U.S. Department of Defense

Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP) Awards

The Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP) supports research across the full range of science and medicine to enhance the health, care, and well-being of military Service members, Veterans, retirees, and their family members. IRSF and its supporters successfully advocated that Congress include Rett syndrome as a topic eligible for PRMRP funding in FY24, resulting in various federal funding opportunities.


Watch the video below to learn more about creating a successful DoD application for PRMRP Funding. Contact research@rettsyndrome.org to have your CTA or FPA reviewed by IRSF’s DoD representative prior to submission.

Fiscal year 2024


Technology/Therapeutic Development Award (TTDA)
  • DETERIORATION in movement
  • Letter of Intent Due: May 13
    Full Application Due: June 6
Lifestyle and Behavioral Health Interventions Research Award (LBIRA)
  • DETERIORATION in movement
  • Letter of Intent Due: May 13
    Full Application Due: June 6
Impact Award (IPA)
  • DETERIORATION in movement
  • Letter of Intent Due: May 13
    Full Application Due: June 6
Investigator-Initiated Award (IIRA)
  • DETERIORATION in movement
  • Letter of Intent Due: May 6
    Full Application Due: May 23
Discovery Award (DA)
  • Letter of Intent Due: May 6
  • Full Application Due: May 23
Clinical Trial Award (CTA)
  • Preproposal Due: May 13
  • Full Application Due: August 19