Research to Reality Fund
You can make a direct impact on supporting critical Rett syndrome research. Continued investigation only happens with financial support. And the faster we fund, the faster research programs can progress towards effective Rett treatments and a cure.

Our Scientific Strategy
IRSF’s highly comprehensive scientific program in Rett syndrome—bolstered by unprecedented industry partnerships—includes the advancement of genetic approaches and developing drugs that improve quality of life, as well as the development of a clinical research network that brings treatments to families.
Over the last decade alone, we have funded nearly 150 research projects to accelerate fundamental research, drug development, and clinical trials in Rett syndrome. Our track record of delivering real results includes funding the discovery that Rett can be reversed, the first gene therapy clinical trial, and the first FDA-approved treatment.
Our 3 Pillars of Research
Our scientific strategy focuses on funding research that covers Rett at every level through our three guiding pillars:
Advance Critical Research
We support fundamental research that deepens our understanding of MECP2 and other promising targets. Filling these critical knowledge gaps is essential to helping scientists unlock new insights, develop new treatments, and improve existing ones.
Drive Therapeutic Development
We fund translational research that advances promising small molecule, gene therapy, and other approaches through the treatment development pipeline. IRSF works to expand the pipeline while helping companies and institutions developing treatments navigate it.
Ensure Clinical Trial Success
We strengthen clinical research by creating connections between clinical trial stakeholders including clinicians, families, FDA, and trial sponsors. At the same time, we invest in essential infrastructure like patient registries and outcome measures, ensuring that potential treatments have the best chance of moving from trials to reality.
Support the Cause.
There are many ways to join the fight against Rett syndrome. You can raise awareness, get involved in grassroots advocacy, or explore other impactful opportunities. Every action matters. Together, we can transform the lives of those living with Rett.