
RettEd: Orthopedics: A Focus on Scoliosis and Hips
Nov 12 @ 1:00 pm
Please join us as we speak to an orthopedic expert in neuromuscular scoliosis and developmental hip dysplasia. We will discuss how and when these typically occur in Rett syndrome, and what we can do about it. Questions and comments submitted in advance will be addressed, and there will be plenty of time for write-in questions during the session. RettEd Webinars are a free resource designed to empower families affected by Rett syndrome and their care teams. Register Today
RettEd: Clinical Trial Enrollment Opportunities and Status Update
Dec 10 @ 1:00 pm
Please join us as Tim Benke, MD PhD, Director, Rett syndrome Clinic, Children's Hospital Colorado, and Medical Advisor and Paige Nues, Director of Family Empowerment at to explore the clinical trials landscape outlook for 2020. This live webcast will be especially helpful to caregivers who are wondering if participating in a clinical trial could be an option for their family and how to become research-ready. We will discuss what clinical trials are enrolling, about to enroll, or have closed enrollment. We will also discuss enrollment criteria, what it means to participate in a trial, and hear from a panelist of parent trailblazers whose children have participated in a Rett syndrome clinical trial to hear how they did it. Questions and comments submitted in advance will be addressed, and there will be plenty of time for write-in questions during the session. RettEd Webcasts are a free resource designed to empower families affected by Rett syndrome and their care teams. Register Today
At-Home Moves and Stretches for Tweens & their Caregivers, feat. Meir Lotan @ Facebook Live
Apr 9 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Join us April 9 at 11 a.m. New York time (EDT) with Meir Lotan, PT, PhD, for another Facebook Live session with 4 U.S. families. Meir will work with their children who are between 8 and 13, with a range of abilities, using what they have on-hand to keep their child engaged and moving during this time. Dr. Lotan will conclude with a short presentation on hip subluxation and ways to do safe stretches at home. All live sessions will be posted on YouTube after the training.
At-Home Moves and Stretches for Adults & their Caregivers, feat. Meir Lotan @ Facebook Live
Apr 16 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Join us April 16 at 11 a.m. New York time (EDT) with Meir Lotan, PT, PhD, for another Facebook Live session with Rett families. Meir will work with their adult children who have a range of abilities. He will use what they have on-hand to keep their child engaged and moving during this time. Dr. Lotan will conclude with a short presentation on hip subluxation and ways to do safe stretches at home. All live sessions will be posted on YouTube after the training.
Communication Intervention, Part 1, feat. Gill Townend & Theresa Bartolotta  @ Facebook Live
Apr 27 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Join us Monday, April 20 at 2 p.m. New York time (EDT) with Gill Townend, PhD and Theresa Bartolotta, PhD as they introduce Section 8 from the Rett Syndrome Communication Guidelines during a Facebook Live session. This is the first of two sessions on Communication interventions. This will be a valuable training for parents and professionals who have limited experience working on or advancing communication in both children and adults with Rett syndrome. All live sessions will be posted on YouTube after the training.
Use Your Child’s Track System: Moves & Stretches, feat. Meir Lotan, PhD, PT @ Facebook Live
Apr 30 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Join us for our next live training session with Meir Lotan, PhD, PT, on Facebook. Dr. Lotan will be focusing on how to use your child or loved one’s home track system & ceiling lift for appropriate moves and stretches. Dr. Meir Lotan will also use this time to answer your questions. Take some time to watch the previous videos (found here) and submit your questions by Sunday, April 26 for Dr. Lotan through this survey: Dr. Lotan will try to answer all your questions during our Facebook Live session. All live sessions will be posted on YouTube after the training.
Communication Intervention, Part 2, feat. Gill Townend & Theresa Bartolotta  @ Facebook Live
May 4 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Join us Monday, April 27 at 2 p.m. New York time (EDT) with Gill Townend, PhD and Theresa Bartolotta, PhD as they conclude Section 8 from the Rett Syndrome Communication Guidelines during a Facebook Live session. This is the second of two sessions on Communication interventions. This will be a valuable training for parents and professionals who have limited experience working on or advancing communication in both children and adults with Rett syndrome. All live sessions will be posted on YouTube after the training.
Communication Intervention, Part 3, feat. Gill Townend & Theresa Bartolotta  @ Facebook Live
May 11 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Join us Monday, May 11 at 2 p.m. New York time (EDT) with Gill Townend, PhD and Theresa Bartolotta, PhD as they conclude Section 8 from the Rett Syndrome Communication Guidelines during a Facebook Live session. This is the third installment of sessions on communication intervention strategies for Rett syndrome. This will be a valuable training for parents and professionals who have limited experience working on or advancing communication in both children and adults with Rett syndrome. All live sessions will be posted on YouTube after the training.
RettEd: Mini Brains in Space – Pushing the Limits of Science
May 15 @ 1:00 pm
SPECIAL DAY: FRIDAY, MAY 15 Award-winning neuroscientist and Rett syndrome expert Dr. Alysson Muotri, Director of the Stem Cell Program at the University of California at San Diego, will share how he and his lab are pushing the limits of science in the name of your child with Rett syndrome. Dr. Mutori's lab uses animal models, neural stem cells, human and other primates’ pluripotent cells, and several tools to investigate brain development, evolution, and neural disorders, including Rett syndrome. Dr. Muotri has received recent headline attention for his experiment to study the impact of microgravity on human brain development, research which could improve disease modeling for neurodegenerative and developmental disorders as well as give clues into the future of humanity in space. Questions and comments submitted in advance will be addressed, and there will be plenty of time for write-in questions during the session. Information & Registration
Ideas for modified aquatherapy at home, feat. Briana Czerwinski, PT @ Facebook Live
May 26 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Join us Tuesday, May 26 at 2 p.m. New York time (EDT) with Briana Czerwinski, physical therapist, from the Rett Syndrome Clinic at Kennedy Krieger Institute. Briana will suggest ideas for modified aquatherapy that can be done by you, at home, in your swimming pool, hot jub, jacuzzi tub, bathtub or even a child-size blow-up pool to relax muscles, reduce anxiety, and guide safe movement and stretches for those with Rett syndrome. All live sessions will be posted on YouTube after the training.
Facebook Live Chat: Current State of Rett Syndrome Research
Jun 9 @ 1:00 pm
Join us on Facebook Live to hear from our Chief Science Officer, Dr. Dominique Pichard. She will speak to the current state of Rett syndrome research, clinical trials, and how researchers are continuing their work during COVID-19 to help us create a world without Rett. Like us on Facebook and mark your calendars to tune in.
RettEd: Longevity in Rett syndrome, Myths and Facts feat. Dr. Alan Percy and a panel of experts
Jul 15 @ 1:00 pm
Please join us WEDNESDAY, July 15, 2020 (note: this is not on our usual Tuesday) at 1:00 pm Eastern Time (New York) with Dr. Alan Percy from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Primary Investigator for the Natural History Study, along with a panel of experts, as we discuss Myths and Facts around life expectancy in Rett syndrome. Rett syndrome is a complex disorder, and inaccurate or invalid facts cause more harm than good. So join this webinar to learn the facts. Hear from experts and parents. More than empowering, it can be life-saving for our children with Rett syndrome. Even though the topic is difficult to talk about, we know you think about it. Let's dispel the myths. We believe that transformative treatments will come from gene therapy, medications and neuro-habilitative therapies. Our research strategy targets every possible approach so that we continue to not just improve longevity, but to decrease syndrome impact. We remain committed to creating solutions for today, to improve lives today, while we work to create a world without Rett syndrome. With this in mind, what’s on your mind? Register now and submit your questions and thoughts. Questions and comments submitted in advance will be addressed, and there will be plenty of time for write-in questions during the session. Information & Registration
RettEd: What Hurts? Understanding Pain and Rett Syndrome feat. Dr. Frank Symons
Aug 11 @ 1:00 pm
Please join us Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 1:00 pm Eastern Time (New York) with Dr. Frank Symons, Associate Dean for Research and Policy, Department of Psychology, and the Center for Neurobehavioral Development at the University of Minnesota as we discuss issues of pain in Rett syndrome. Rett syndrome is a complex disorder, and sharing of accurate information is more than empowering, it can be life-saving for our children with Rett syndrome. So join this webinar to learn the facts. Even though the topic is difficult to talk about, we know you think about it. In terms of pain, Dr. Symons' areas of specific research include (a) the reliable and valid assessment of pain in children and adults with significant communicative and motor impairments; (b) the relation between behavioral and biological variables as markers for altered pain; (c) modifying/adapting sensory testing; and (d) the relation between pain and problem behavior, specifically self-injury. With this in mind, what’s on your mind? Register now and submit your questions and thoughts. Those submitted in advance will be addressed, and there will be plenty of time for write-in questions during the session. Information & Registration
RettEd: Holiday Life Hacks for Rett Syndrome feat. a panel of parent experts
Sep 8 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Please join us Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at 5:00pm Eastern Time (New York) with and a panel of creative experienced parents who are ready to share their Rett Life Hacks, especially how to plan and execute inclusive and enjoyable dress-up and gift-giving celebrations for the whole family such as birthday parties, Halloween, school field trips and the upcoming holidays. "Life Hacks" are simple and clever tips and techniques for accomplishing tasks more easily and efficiently, overcoming many of our common Rett-life frustrations in simple and deliciously clever ways. Rett syndrome is a complex disorder, and sharing accurate information is more than empowering, it can be life-altering for everyone. Join this webinar to learn how a little creativity and out-of-the-box thinking can expand everyone's horizons! With this in mind, what’s on your mind? Register now and submit your questions and thoughts. Those submitted in advance will be addressed, and there will be plenty of time for write-in questions during the session. Information & Registration
RettEd: Clinical Trial Update
Oct 13 @ 1:00 pm
Please join on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 1:00pm Eastern Time (New York) for status updates on clinical trial and research enrollment opportunities in the U.S. Rett syndrome is a complex disorder, and sharing accurate information is more than empowering, it can be life-altering for everyone. Join this webinar to learn how we all have a role to play in research progress. With this in mind, what’s on your mind? Register now and submit your questions and thoughts. Those submitted in advance will be addressed, and there will be plenty of time for write-in questions during the session. Information & Registration
RettEd: What Do They See? Vision in Rett Syndrome
Dec 8 @ 1:00 pm
Join us Tuesday, December 8th, at 1:00 pm (EDT) to hear from Tristen Dinkel, RN about Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) in Rett syndrome. Our loved ones with Rett syndrome often exhibit particular eye movements or gaze patterns. Is this a motor behavior or visual strategy? What do our children see? How do they process visual information? Register now, and submit your questions. Pre-submitted relevant questions will be addressed, and there will be time for write-in questions during the session. REGISTER Our RettEd Webcasts are Free, but registration is required. RettEd Webcasts are recorded. When you register, you will receive a link to the recording within 1-2 days after the presentation. is committed to standing with you today, to fighting to transform your tomorrow. Check out our other upcoming webcasts, as well as an incredible library of past webcasts on multiple Rett topics:  
RettEd: How Your Child’s Data is Shaping the Future of Rett Research
Jan 19 @ 1:00 pm
Date: Tuesday, January 19 Time: 1-2:30pm (EST) For the last 16 years, the NIH-funded Natural History Study for Rett Syndrome has been collecting data from over 1000 Rett families. Hear from NHS Principal Investigators, Drs. Alan Percy, Jeffrey Neul, and Eric Marsh on how your data has helped change the management of children and adults with Rett syndrome and improved longevity in those with Rett syndrome. Learn how you can still take part in the NHS before its completion in July 2021. And find out how your participation in the new Rett Clinical Disease Registry, launching in August 2021, will benefit Rett syndrome drug development. Register for FREE, and submit your questions to be addressed during the webinar. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webcast. Information & Registration
RettEd: Empowering Your Child’s Care Providers
Feb 9 @ 1:00 pm
Join us Tuesday, February 9, 2021, at 1:00 pm EST to learn how you can empower your care team to provide the best quality care for your loved one with Rett syndrome. Dr. Tim Benke from Colorado Children’s Hospital, Katie Hale, NP from Katie’s Clinic at UCSF Oakland, and Melissa Kennedy, Executive Director at, will unpack the Rett Syndrome Primary Care Guidelines. You’ll learn how to use this evidence-based tool in partnership with your child’s physicians and specialists. The Primary Care Guidelines provides suggested visit schedules by clinical area of assessment, specific concerns to look for, and timelines for follow up appointments. To ensure the best care for your loved one with Rett, join us on February 9 to take a deeper dive. We encourage physicians and health care providers to attend this webinar; invite them to register as well! Information & Registration
RettEd: Rett Syndrome Communication Guidelines – Real World Application
Mar 9 @ 1:00 pm
Communication is one of Rett syndrome’s biggest challenges. As such, individuals with Rett struggle to connect, build relationships, and make their wishes known. This critical RettEd webcast can help, no matter where a person is on their Rett journey, whether newly diagnosed or an adult who is no longer receiving services. Theresa Bartolotta, PhD, CCC-SLP, along with a speech therapist and parent, will unpack The Communications Guidelines so families, physicians, and caregivers will know how to use this important tool in real-life situations. They’ll share how they’ve implemented its strategies to enhance communication, explain critical information, and answer your questions. Please submit your questions early, and we’ll also take a few during the webcast as time allows. Pre-registration is required. Order the Communication Guidelines handbook today - Information & Registration
RettEd: Let’s Hear It For The Boys! Males with MECP2
Apr 13 @ 1:00 pm
We’ve learned a lot since the ‘80s—and it’s time to set the record straight! Dr. Bernard Suter of Texas Children’s Hospital will share what we know about males with Rett, males with MECP2 duplication, and current and future study options. We’ll also explore why males have not been included in clinical trials so far and if males will be approved for future Rett treatments. Dr. Suter will discuss a new biomarker study specifically for males with MECP2 mutations. Finally, we’ll share how IRSF advocates for males with industry partners. With this in mind, what’s on your mind? Register now and submit your questions and thoughts. There should be time to take write-in questions during the session as well. There is no fee to attend this webinar thanks to your ongoing donor support and that of our Sponsors, but pre-registration is required. Information & Registration
RettEd: What Hurts? Part 2: Addressing and Treating Pain in Rett syndrome
Apr 23 @ 1:00 pm
How do parents and caregivers recognize and treat pain in a loved one with Rett, especially if communication is a challenge? This RettEd can help! Dr. Tim Feyma and Dr. Art Beisang of Gillette Children's, and Dr. Scott Schwantes of Children's Minnesota, will address the tools you need to identify pain in your loved one and how to treat their pain. With this in mind, what’s on your mind? Register now and submit your questions and thoughts. There should be time to take write-in questions during the session as well. There is no fee to attend this webinar thanks to your ongoing donor support and that of our Sponsors, but pre-registration is required. If you missed Pain Part 1 with Univ of MN Researcher Dr. Frank Symons, feel free to View it here prior to April 23rd: Information & Registration
RettEd: Bringing Treatments & Cures Home
Jun 15 @ 1:00 pm
The Rett syndrome research landscape has changed significantly over the last 30-40 years. IRSF and our legacy foundations have been instrumental in making breakthrough discoveries and life-changing advancements toward a cure. In this webinar, Dr. Dominique Pichard, IRSF Chief Science Officer, will share how our foundation works toward Rett syndrome treatments and cures for all. You’ll learn how we’re investing in genetic approaches, building a robust pipeline for treatments, and utilizing our Rett syndrome Center of Excellence Network to help get treatments approved for your loved one. Information & Registration
RettEd: Gene Therapy in Rare Disease
Jul 28 @ 1:00 pm
As a rare disease community, we can learn a lot from others further down the road of gene replacement therapy. In this informative conversation with IRSF's CSO, Dr. Dominique Pichard, you'll hear from P.J. Brooks, PhD, Program Director for the Office of Rare Disease Research at the NIH's Center for Advancing Translational Sciences. We'll also hear from CureSMA's Chief Scientific Officer, Jill Jarecki, PhD, who will share what CureSMA learned from their FDA-approved gene therapy clinical trial experience. Join us Wednesday, July 28 at 1 p.m. EDT. Takeaways from this RettEd: - Understand the potential for gene replacement therapy for single-gene disorders like Rett syndrome and learn what is involved in delivering complex treatment molecules to the affected cell. - Understand what NCATS is doing to accelerate clinical trials in rare diseases by moving beyond "one disease at a time" approaches. - Get perspective from another rare disease foundation's gene therapy clinical trial experience. Information & Registration
RettEd: Next Level Nutrition
Nov 10 @ 4:30 pm

Next Level Nutrition

  Getting proper nutrition is especially challenging for those with Rett. The news is always filled with information on special diets, allergies, and food sensitivities, but how do you sift through it? How do you decide what’s best for your loved one with Rett? This interactive webinar with parent panel and dietician expert Suzanne Geerts can help!  Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2021 Time: 4:30pm Registration is free but required. Registration & Information Submit your questions when you register. International Rett Syndrome Foundation's educational programming is made possible through a sponsorship from ACADIA Pharmaceuticals, Taysha Gene Therapies, and Novartis Gene Therapy.
Retted: Occupational Therapy Strategies: Maximizing Hand Function + Feeding
Dec 8 @ 1:00 pm

Occupational Therapy Strategies: Maximizing Hand Function + Feeding

People with Rett often have difficulty controlling hand movements, which can lead to frustration in using communication devices and participating in adapted recreation and many daily activities. Feeding in Rett patients can also be challenging because of decreased motor skills when chewing and swallowing as well as communication issues in relaying what they want. If you're facing either of these issues, finding a trained therapist who understands Rett is key to creating reasonable goals, managing expectations, and perhaps recovering gains lost during a regressive phase of Rett. Todd Levy and Emily Scott from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and IRSF Center of Excellence will discuss strategies they've seen work in Rett patients and outline the criteria to look for in finding an occupational therapist that will meet your loved one's needs. Information & Registration
RettEd: Music Through Our Ears and Our Hands
Jan 11 @ 1:00 pm

Music Through Our Ears and Our Hands

Date: January 11, 2022 Time: 1pm Eastern Time Music Therapy: Neuroscience; Clinical Goals; Practical How-To's We know our children have a strong affiliation to music. They have their favorites. It is often a go-to to calm, focus, or motivate them. Why? In this RettEd, we will hear from professionals and parents about the importance of Music Therapy in Rett syndrome. And how does Music Therapy happen in Rett differently than traditional MT? How might you get it going in your everyday life or through an online music group? You will takeaway this and much more. Information & Registration
Webinar: Learn About the Externally-Led Patient-Focused Drug Development Meeting for Rett Syndrome
Jan 27 @ 3:00 pm

Join IRSF and RSRT on Tuesday, January  27, 2022 from 3 to 4 pm EST for a community webinar to discuss the upcoming March 11, 2022 Externally-Led Patient-Focused Drug Development (EL-PFDD) meeting on Rett syndrome.

Discover why your voice is critical to inform the development and review of new drugs to treat Rett syndrome. Come learn how you can make your voice heard as a participant on March 11th. Learn more about the meeting with guest speakers:
  • Larry Bauer, RN, MS, Sr. Regulatory Drug Expert, Hyman, Phelps, & McNamara, PC
  • James Valentine, JD, MHS, Senior Associate, Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, PC
RettEd | Transitioning into Adulthood, Part 1: Medical Transition
Jul 26 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Date: July 26, 2022 Time: 1-2 p.m. Eastern Time The first in a 3-part series on topics pertaining to adulthood in Rett syndrome, this session will provide strategies and resources to empower and prepare you and your young adult for the transition from pediatric to adult medical care. Medical transition is not a one-size-fits-all process, and this workshop-style talk will empower your family to have the best, most family-centered transition of care possible. The session will include stories from other caregivers and individuals in the Rett community and further expand on topics and questions from the session at IRSF’s ASCEND 2022 Rett Syndrome National Summit. Speakers: Jessica Nickrand is a program manager at the Child Neurology Foundation (CNF). She supports CNF’s Transition of Care Program—its largest and most diverse program—which helps to support youth, families, and child neurology teams in the medical transition. Jessica holds a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota and is passionate about developing programs that empower young adults and their caregivers to effect systems-level change.  Paige Nues is the Director of Family Empowerment for the International Rett Syndrome Foundation (IRSF). Since her daughter, Katie’s diagnosis of Rett syndrome in 2003, Paige has worked diligently to build bridges between patient families, clinicians, scientists, and industry, both at IRSF and as a parent founder of Katie’s Clinic for Rett and Related Disorders at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital. Thank you to our RettEd Empowerment Sponsor, Acadia Pharmaceuticals, for helping IRSF provide educational resources and support to families affected by Rett syndrome. INFORMATION & REGISTRATION Medical Disclaimer: All information, content, and material provided in this webcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
RettEd | What Comes Next? The FDA Regulatory Process from NDA to FDA Decision and Beyond
Aug 1 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Date: Monday, August 1st, 2022 Time: 3 p.m. EDT With the recent news about trofinetide’s new drug application (NDA) submitted to the FDA, we are entering a new space for Rett syndrome: FDA Review. While this is the first time for Rett, it won’t be the last, and our community has a lot of great questions: “What does submitting an NDA mean? What’s the next step? How much longer? When will we have an approved treatment? How will my loved one get access to this treatment?” To answer these questions and many more, IRSF is excited to bring back FDA expert, James Valentine, Esq., to join IRSF’s Chief Science Officer, Dr. Dominique Pichard for a live webinar. Join them as they review the FDA regulatory process, share what happens between a successful Phase 3 clinical trial and an FDA decision about a drug or therapeutic, and explain what could come next for trofinetide and the Rett community. Thank you to our RettEd Empowerment Sponsor, Acadia Pharmaceuticals, for helping IRSF provide educational resources and support to families affected by Rett syndrome. INFORMATION & REGISTRATION Medical Disclaimer: All information, content, and material provided in this webcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
RettEd Webinar | Transitioning into Adulthood, Part 2: Lifecare Planning
Sep 27 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Date: September 27, 2022 Time: 1-2 p.m. Eastern Time The second in our 3-part series on topics pertaining to adulthood in Rett, this online workshop focuses on preparing for life post-high school when school services and support conclude. Geared for parents, guardians, and family members of the older teen and adult with Rett syndrome, this session will cover:
  • Legal Planning: Special Needs Trusts, Letter/Memorandum of Intent, Guardianship
  • Financial Planning: How to fund a Special Needs Trust, ABLE accounts, and more
  • Benefit Planning: Finding and accessing federal benefits like SSI & SSDI, Medicaid, Waivers, etc.
  • Defining Your Replacement Team: What happens when you can no longer provide direct care alone?
Speaker: Kacy Seitz is a financial planner with a Northwestern Mutual practice that serves nearly 500 special needs families in 28 states. As a special needs parent to 12-year-old Hudsyn (a friend of Samantha Brant’s daughter, Macy!), Kacy is all-too-familiar with the common fears you may have in learning about the topic of long-term planning for your child. In fact, she opened her practice in 2013 because she had difficulty finding good, sound advice to help her develop a solid plan for her daughter. Now, Kacy has personally trained and mentored hundreds of other advisors on how to do this type of planning for their clients, focusing on helping special needs families with proper financial planning throughout their lifetimes. Thank you to our RettEd Empowerment Sponsor, Acadia Pharmaceuticals, for helping IRSF provide educational resources and support to families affected by Rett syndrome. INFORMATION & REGISTRATION Medical Disclaimer: All information, content, and material provided in this webcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
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