Retted: Occupational Therapy Strategies: Maximizing Hand Function + Feeding

Retted: Occupational Therapy Strategies: Maximizing Hand Function + Feeding

Occupational Therapy Strategies: Maximizing Hand Function + Feeding

People with Rett often have difficulty controlling hand movements, which can lead to frustration in using communication devices and participating in adapted recreation and many daily activities. Feeding in Rett patients can also be challenging because of decreased motor skills when chewing and swallowing as well as communication issues in relaying what they want. If you’re facing either of these issues, finding a trained therapist who understands Rett is key to creating reasonable goals, managing expectations, and perhaps recovering gains lost during a regressive phase of Rett.

Todd Levy and Emily Scott from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and IRSF Center of Excellence will discuss strategies they’ve seen work in Rett patients and outline the criteria to look for in finding an occupational therapist that will meet your loved one’s needs.

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